30-34-00-605 Ind. c 1(2) Rev.: 18.10.05
Description of New RS232
Interface, Index c:
Description of Hardware:
The seca weighing scales Controller owns an
integrated UART-interface which may be configured
by software. The UART is loaded with serial data
out via software. The serial data are transmitted as
3V or 5V leveled signals to a RS232 signal level
converter (e.g. MAX 232). After this conversion
serial data is applicable at the serial interface as
"TXD inverted" and "TXD-GND" for two line serial
data transmission.
Transmission Parameter:
The serial interface is configured as follows:
Baudrate: 1200
Parity: even
Databits 8
Stopbits 1
Startbits 1
No hardware handshake
RS232 Protocol:
Every second a complete data block of ASCII coded
bytes is transmitted with high nibble first and low
nibble last. Every data block starts with STX and
ends with CR, LF, ETX.
For the kind of data A0 and A1 every data block
owns the following structure with the new protocol:
Byte Name Description
1 STX Start of Text
2 KK_0 Identifier new Protocol
KK_1 kind of Data
3 BCD_0 BCD-Information MSDigit
BCD_1 BCD-Information
4 BCD_2 BCD-Information
BCD_3 BCD-Information
5 BCD_4 BCD-Information LSDigit
DISPTYPE displayed format
6 CTRL_1 control byte 1 - high nibble
CTRL_1 control byte 1 - low nibble
7 CTRL_2 control byte 2 - high nibble
CTRL_2 control byte 2 - low nibble
8 CRC CRC high byte
CRC CRC low byte
9 CR Carriage Return
10 LF Line feed
11 ETX End of Text
For the kind of data A4 every data block owns the
following structure with the new protocol:
Byte Name Description
1 STX Start of Text
2 KK_0 Identifier new Protocol
KK_1 kind of Data
3 BCD_0 BCD-Information MSDigit
BCD_1 BCD-Information
4 BCD_2 BCD-Information
BCD_3 BCD-Information
5 DISPTYPE displayed format - high nibble
DISPTYPE displayed format - low nibble
6 CTRL_1 control byte 1 - high nibble
CTRL_1 control byte 1 - low nibble
7 CRC CRC high byte
CRC CRC low byte
8 CR Carriage Return
9 LF Line feed
10 ETX End of Text
• KK_0 - Identifier new protocol:
"A": With the new protocol every data block
starts after STX (start of text) with the
identifier indicating you are receiving the
new protocol. It's a ASCII "A"
• KK_1 - kind of data
"0": periodic normal weight
"1": single measured value occurred because
of trigger event e.g. measured value
became stable
"4": periodic normal length
REMARK: The amount of "kind of data" may be
broadened for future purposes
• BCD_0..BCD_4 - BCD Information
contains the actual binary coded decimals
for each digit without datapoints
• DISPTYPE - Displayed format ( for "A0", "A1")
"0": adult weighing scale, kg.g kkk.gg
"1": adult weighing scale, kg.g kkk.g
"2": baby weighing scale, kg.g kk.ggg
"3": adult weighing scale, lbs.lbs ppp.p
"4": adult weighing scale, lbs ppp
"5": adult weighing scale, lbs:oz ppp:oo
"6": adult weighing scale, stones ss:pp.p
"7": baby weighing scale, lbs:oz pp.oo.o
"8": by weighing scale, lbs:oz pp.oo
"9": adult weighing scale, lbs.lbs ppp.pp
• DISPTYPE - Displayed format ( for "A4")
"01": length in cm , unit 1 mm
"02": length in foot-inch
"03": length in inch , unit 0.01 inch
• CTRL_1..CTRL_2 - Control byte (for “A0“,“A1“)
control byte 1
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